
墾丁 Kenting

基本介紹 Introduction


     Kenting is located in the south tip of Taiwan, the Henchun Peninsula. In the 71th year of the Republic Era (1982), the first national park of Taiwan was established in Kenting. Kenting National Park faces the ocean on three directions, and neighbors the Philippines with the Bashi Channel on the south. Migratory raptors pass from the North every autumn, feed and rest in Taiwan and then keep their migration to warmer south for the winter. Raptors gather in the Henchun Peninsula before taking off toward the ocean to the Philippines. Therefore, Kenting National Park became one of perfect watching sites in Taiwan.


     In the 78th year of the Republic Era (1989), Kenting National Park commissioned Chinese Wild Bird Federation to conduct a survey of Raptors in Kenting National Park. Since then, a long-term survey of autumn migratory raptors in Kenting has been implemented. Although there was no formal grant to support the survey, Tsai Yi-jung from Kenting National Park recorded data and conducted references research by himself for decades. Until the 93th year of the Republic Era (2004), Kenting National Park commissioned Raptor Research Group of Taiwan to investigate the population of migratory raptors in Kenting and had employees to conduct a whole season survey. To understand raptors’ migration paths in Kenting, Kenting National Park supported more surveys, one was a survey of spring migratory raptors in the 96th year of Republica Era (2007) and another is winter migratory raptors in the 103th (2014). According the results, 33 diurnal raptor species were recorded in Kenting.


Bird surveys are mainly conducted by Kenting National Park and Raptor Research Group of Taiwan

交通資訊 Direction

1. 凌霄亭 Skyward Pavilion


Skyward Pavilion is located in Sheding Nature Park. From Hengchun Township, turn left at Kenting Road to Kenting National Park. Pass the decorated archway of Kenting Forest Recreation Area to reach Sheding Nature Park. Then park in a parking lot and walking along the path for 500 m. The entrance is on the left side. Keep walking for about 5 minutes.

2. 里德橋 Lide Bridge


Lide Bridge is located in Manjhou. From Hengchun Township, take County Highway No. 200 toward Manjhou. Turn right at Manjhou Township Office toward Nanxing Road to reach Lide Bridge.

主要遷徙猛禽種類 Main species of migratory raptors


Chinese Goshawk (Accipiter solensis), Grey-faced Buzzard (Butastur indicus)

適合賞鷹季節 Raptor watching seasons for raptors in Kenting


Spring: from March to May. Because raptors migrate without constant routes in spring, waiting for raptors landing at watch sites is suggested.


Autumn: from September to October. Raptors take off toward the ocean in the morning. In October, Grey-faced Buzzard landing can be observed at Lide Bridge in the afternoon. 




  2024 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄
  2023 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄
  2022 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄
-- 2021 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄
-- 2020 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄
-- 2018 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄
-- 2017 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄
2016 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄
2015 Spring 春季調查紀錄 2015 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄 
2014 Spring 春季調查紀錄 2014 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄
2013 Spring 春季調查紀錄 2013 Autumn 秋季調查紀錄
2012 Spring 春季調查記錄 2012 Autumn 秋季調查記錄
2011 Spring 春季調查記錄 2011 Autumn 秋季調查記錄
2010 Spring 春季調查記錄 2010 Autumn 秋季調查記錄
2009 Spring 春季調查記錄 2009 Autumn 秋季調查記錄
2008 Spring 春季調查記錄 2008 Autumn 秋季調查記錄
-- 2007 Autumn 秋季調查記錄
-- 2006 Autumn 秋季調查記錄
-- 2005 Autumn 秋季調查記錄
-- 2004 Autumn 秋季調查記錄








